We constantly work to improve our services and optimize the working processes. In our activity area, one of the most important factors in the quality-price relation is time. Speed and transparence are basic values for us and, starting from these premises, we are glad to announce that we implemented the notification through SMS Link.
When the courier or the sending agency picks up the dispatch, the system will automatically send an SMS* towards the receiver, which will contain a PIN number and a link, which offers a simple and very efficient way to track the delivery status and change some characteristics, without the need of interventions by phone or email:
- Postpone the delivery date;
- Redirect in the same locality, with door-to-door delivery;
- Redirect with delivery in a FAN Courier agency;
- Refusal.
Based on the chosen options, the system will automatically update the information and notifies the receiving FAN Courier agencies, so that the options of the customers would be processed according to the expectations (courier notification, retention, redirecting dispatch, return etc.).
Also, by accessing the link you can obtain information about:
- Dispatch status (AWB tracking);
- Estimated delivery date;
- The sender’s contact details (name, address and phone number),
- The receiver’s contact details (name, address, town, county),
- Transport taxes + reimbursement (if applicable),
- Content,
- Return,
- Addresses of our branches, displayed on map based on the receiver’s address.
- Evaluate the courier’s attitude.
* The SMS will be sent only towards the natural entities receivers with a valid phone number introduced in the system.